Diploma High School, San Antonio
Majored in general education.
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My designs have been sold all over Europe and the USA and I have worked with some of the biggest designers in the industry. I’m also currently working with a big supermarket to develop a gorgeous, yet affordable, range of beautifully printed key pieces that no one wardrobe should be without!
Majored in general education.
Majored in design interaction education.
Majored in architecture education.
Distribute to clients and investors, both current and potential.
I believe that analysis of your company and your customers is key in responding effective.
We have a number of different teams within our agency that specialise in different areas of business.
Whether you require large banners and posters to promote your company or some more subtle letter heads.
To see a selection of my designs and sketches, which is how all my best designs start, take a look at my portfolio page. To see who I have worked with see my client list and stockists.
Let's create something great together!
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